Thursday, February 17, 2011

wampa that!

Super love.

“Is this where Luke first learned how Han met Chewbacca, or heard the hilarious story of how he won the Millenium Falcon from Lando? Did Han muss the boy's hair, tell him not to worry, tell him he'd make it to the Dagobah system?”

also the time i really learned what sanctimonious really mean

I love this:

Seriously any time you ever feel sanctimonious I can guarantee that you are wrong - it's the feeling you get when you are avoiding complexity, when you want a lovely unsophisticated feeling of clear, honest vindictiveness and you feel utterly justified.

It’s been on my mind many times since first reading it.

From here:

Sunday, February 13, 2011

without a little rain


love this.


Everybody wants happiness

Nobody wants pain

But you can’t have a rainbow

Without a little rain



Thinking happy, happy, happy thoughts for Au. I truly adore that kit.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Living 100feet away from the eiffel tower sounds dreamy.

Monday, February 7, 2011

lols! this is so funny