Wednesday, July 21, 2010

double rainbow all the way yayyyy



I’m kind of having a bad day, and it’s only 9.30 in the morning, then I read this, and I’m kind of happy. Because the cat got rescued. And I love heather more for it.


*I’m also not going to read it a second time because I think I might cry

Sunday, July 11, 2010

true story

a pal: how about meeting someone new?

me: okay.

ap: he loves karaoke.

m: okay...

ap: he's especially good at singing dr. bombays' calcutta. he knows ALL THE WORDS.

m: seriously? no, seriously. NO.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010



I’m jealous of (in order) :


  1. juniper’s dress in the first 3 pictures
  2. juniper’s very healthy garden
  3. juniper’s chicken watering can