Monday, March 29, 2010


You know what I hate? Having a song I don’t really like playing non-stop in my head. Currently selena gomez’s natural. Ick. I don’t hate her, I just don’t like her all that much. I do not prefer the witches of… Beverly hills? Or something? This song is not bad, actually, but… no. I like to keep my distance.


But at least this is better off than having Justin beiber’s baby, baby, baby, OHHHHHH.


Speaking of selena, I think it’s kind of sad, it it’s true, that she and her ex-BFF demi lovato is no longer on speaking terms. I don’t prefer demi, either, but to have a public BFF break-up like that… that’s sad. And I heard it’s some-about over a boy. Whose last name is JONAS. Triple, quadruple ick. But only because the first name rhymes with Moe. Not the Nick. Nick, I, like.

chuck love not really

Btw I forgot to mention this anywhere: that scott bakula was chuck’s dad, made me love chuck more. Love as in really like a lot because I’m not really a chuck-fan. But some episodes I caught? Mighty glad I did.



Sunday, March 28, 2010

makes me happy #3

The show, glee. I love corey monteith and Rachel berry singing. And one time, sue Sylvester made me cry (the down-syndrome episode)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

makes me happy #2

Monday, March 22, 2010

makes me happy #1


*compiling a list, in no particular order or criteria or group

Sunday, March 21, 2010

very mighty.


do you like Maggie? I like Maggie.


Even when she doesn’t ever reply my emails.


She is very inspiring.

Monday, March 15, 2010

ominous feelings

Not good. Not good at all.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

teh sadness (first and my last)

Gemmacorrell’s kitten books dah naik harga… damn.


Thursday, March 11, 2010


It suddenly occurred to me I might find brogues in clark’s?????


How exciting!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

i need to...

Heal own heart, and mind, and soul before trying to heal others.


God give me strength.

Monday, March 8, 2010



the last paragraph… ROCKS.


Reminds me that I liked this:


because(quote) : When I speak Spanish (and it's pretty horrible Spanish) I am not embarrassed because I reckon that speaking someone else's language badly is better than not speaking it at all.


This should be my attitude with people writing in less than perfect English.

werrynda strikes again

I have been going around all day closing one eye after another to test my vision. I recently got contact lenses in. THIS MUST STOP people are looking at me funny, though they always have but this time it’s kind of obvious I’m playing with my eyes?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


So many things to want to buy…


But so little money…




I have NO IDEA when I’ve turned into such a “shopper”.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I wish patience can be bought in stores or online.

Monday, March 1, 2010

sydney is not tia but

So anyway, the movie was this:


and I thought the lead actress was in this:


but she was not because she was really this one:


and not this one:


man, can I do research or what?!


And, SPOOKY in relic hunter Tia WAS Sydney. phwoarrr


the bum gets

Twitter seemed to be swallowing my phone msgs, never to be seen again. Last night I said, “I love hallmark shows where the bum gets the lady and a family in the end, and the lady, an honest man, like, gourd, finally!”




feeling kind of smug that I knew who Tinsley Mortimer is, since, like 5 years ago.