Resisting the urge to end any communication with, “yang” or “sayang” or “okay, honey?” because it will piss someone off, but then again, maybe it won’t, also, bakpe teman nak gembirakan orang lain?
I’d be better off thinking about building my own sparkly cat condo than wasting synapses thinking about things I should banish from my head.
Hehehe, I call people "Darling" because I don't remember faces well. And with calling Target the kitten names like "sweetie pie" and "angel", I find myself calling people that too. I don't think anyone minds. I just hope I don't fall into calling people "angel fuzz" and "squeezle-bug-fluff"!
hehe it's just that someone thinks i'm too garang/mean at work, but now i think that person is a 13year old girl instead of a grown-up. terms of endearment after giving out instructions may piss them off!
on the other hand, before i had a full-time job being a servant(to cats), i'd never thought i'd use the words "baby" and "sayang" to imply a being. hehe.
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