You know what I hate? Having a song I don’t really like playing non-stop in my head. Currently selena gomez’s natural. Ick. I don’t hate her, I just don’t like her all that much. I do not prefer the witches of…
But at least this is better off than having Justin beiber’s baby, baby, baby, OHHHHHH.
Speaking of selena, I think it’s kind of sad, it it’s true, that she and her ex-BFF demi lovato is no longer on speaking terms. I don’t prefer demi, either, but to have a public BFF break-up like that… that’s sad. And I heard it’s some-about over a boy. Whose last name is JONAS. Triple, quadruple ick. But only because the first name rhymes with Moe. Not the Nick. Nick, I, like.