Thursday, July 30, 2009

no seriously

No, seriously, why's everyone upset that Bryce Dallas Howard is Twilight's new Victoria? Wouldn’t she be seriously awesome? She is, right now, the one true reason I MIGHT consider watching Twilight 2. I guess this is how one would know one is most definitely NOT a Twilight fan. Not even close. (Bryce Dallas Howard is KICKASS! people!)

And to the girl who commented on the rumor that Drew Barrymore could be directing Twilight: Sparkling Sunlight Vampires 2, and wrote something like "she was in E.T. before I was even born!!! NOOOOO" complete with misspells, ...

Oh honey. You need to find a hobby. Something OTHER than watching Twilight: The Vampire Who Watches While You Were Sleeping: CREEPY and reading Twilight(s): Why You So Pasty. Okay sweetie?

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